Aulas de Yoga em São paulo - Capital    Cadastre-se

Alquimia Secreta do Homem - (Man's Secret Alchemy)

Sao Paulo - Brazil - MANDALA - Livreiros, Editores e Importadores - 1969 (Published in portuguese).

This book guides the disciple long the path of alchemical transformation. Yogakrisnanda, dedicated to orienting the disciple through the process of transformation and transmutation, discusses alchemy and the concepts of absence, essence and presence. Alchemy comes from God, creator of presences, and reaches man, who as white magicians, can transform myth into history, symbols into formulas and allegory into presence.

Absence as viewed by the alchemist is nonexistence in matter. It is the concept which precedes the seed and the driving force which searches for the presence. Presence, in turn, is the manifestation of what the noncreated should become in life and matter when manifested collectively. The alchemist when choosing to act and manipulate these forces becomes an intermediary of the divinity and transmutes the lead in himself into gold, the archetype of the white magician of ancient times.