(The Occult Aspect of the Word)

Sao Paulo- Brazil : Ícone Editora, 1993 (published in portuguese).

This is the most complete and extraordinary book ever written by the author who explains the essential value of the Word uttered as a sound, a letter, a phrase, a verse or a prayer. Professor Molinero demonstrates that nothing affects our aura more than the Words we transmit and the Words we receive. He explains how sound vibrations (including those from radio, television and movies) act upon our aura and, consequently, affect our physical and astral bodies.

For correct and precise understanding, the author describes the aura's anatomy in detail. He shows how the different areas of our aura react to or are affected by words since some regions can both transmit and receive vibrations while others can only capture or emit them. The reader is slowly taken on a voyage of sound and discovers how to capture and transmit words that can cure, find protection from those that can kill and create vibrations leading to spiritual elevation.

Lastly, we are reminded that words not only influence divine, physical and geophysical beings but also all the kingdoms of our Mother Earth. Saint Francis spoke to the fountain and tamed the animals with his words. The samana talks to the tiger and is respected by the snake. A fakir can influence the growth of plants with his words, and animals learn and are domesticated much more effectively through the use of words.


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